What about sanctions? Spain has increased the import of natural gas from Russia!

According to reports, Spain has recently increased the amount of natural gas from Russia. According to monthly data provided by Enagás, Russian natural gas supply has increased from 5% in February to 8% in April. Russia is still the fourth supply country of Spain’s natural gas. In April, Spain’s natural gas mainly ranked first in the United States with a market share of 30.7%; the second place was Algeria’s share of 23.4%; the third Nigeria was 16.9%.

Algeria has always been Spain’s largest natural gas supply country, but due to the good behavior of Spanish President Sanchez in March, Algeria’s natural gas transportation has become complicated. Spain has increased imports from the United States and reduced imports from Algeria. As far as Algeria is concerned, its share in the Spanish market has decreased from 29%in March to 23%in April, and continued to decline after decreased by decreased natural gas flows to MEDGAZ.

On the other hand, Russia is still the largest natural gas supply country in the European Union, with a market share of nearly 40%. The European Commission’s intention is to reduce this amount by about two -thirds by the end of the year. At present, Russia has cut off the natural gas supply of Poland and Bulgaria.

Post time: May-12-2022